Marie and Raymond Waters Discretionary Collection Endowment
The legacy of Marie Waters' career at UCLA Library continues on through this endowment for the most-needed materials at the Library.
Even before she entered UCLA's library school as part of its legendary first class, Marie Waters began working for the UCLA Library as a student assistant in the reference department. Thus she learned early to mine the riches of reference resources for students and faculty, a skill she refined over her ensuing 40-year career as a reference and collection development librarian, then as head of the Charles E. Young Research Library's Reference Department. After Ms. Waters retired in 1998, she and her husband, Raymond, who is also a UCLA graduate, chose to continue their service to the university by establishing the Marie and Raymond Waters Discretionary Collection Endowment. This endowment enables librarians to use funds where they are most needed, such as for rare books or specialized journals that may only be available for a limited amount of time. And although Ms. Waters has since passed away, the fund continues her legacy of support to UCLA's future generations of students and scholars.