Made possible by a gift from Maxicare Research and Educational Foundation

The Maxicare Research and Educational Foundation was committed to funding health sciences projects that support Southern California communities, and its decision to establish a collection endowment at the Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library was a natural outgrowth of these health sciences programs. In addition, the decision was based on the Biomedical Library's outstanding collections and dedicated staff, whose skills, knowledge and eagerness to help users benefited many Maxicare Foundation interns and grant recipients. The Maxicare Research and Educational Foundation Collection Endowment supported the acquisition or licensing of print or electronic academic journals serving a diverse audience of health researchers, practitioners and students. Its establishment reaffirms the foundation's commitment to serving the community by ensuring that those in training as health care professionals, along with individuals already working in the field, have access to the most current information in their areas of expertise.

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