Made possible by a gift from May C. Chong

May Chong earned her bachelor's degree in economics from UCLA. She grew up in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States after graduating from high school. UCLA's East Asian Library became her "home away from home" while she was a student here. In gratitude, Ms. Chong established the May C. Chong Endowment in the East Asian Library in 2011. Ms. Chong's endowment will support the acquisition of books and materials in the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library with a preference for the acquisition of materials in the categories of Chinese classics, culture, education and modern literature, including publications in Chinese or bilingual Chinese-English. In creating this endowment, it is her hope that it will help enable the East Asian Library to grow into a cultural and educational resource for both Chinese and non-Chinese-speaking people who are interested in Chinese language, teachings and cultures.

張美青畢業於洛杉磯加州大學獲經濟學學士學位。 在香港長大的張女士高中畢業後移居美國。 在洛加大就讀期間,東亞圖書館成了她離家後的“家外之家”。 為了表達她對東亞館的關愛之情,2011年,張女士設立了張美青館藏發展基金。張女士的慷慨捐贈將用於購買漢學研究相關書籍和資料,購買範圍重點在國學經典、文化、教育和現代文學等漢語及英漢雙語方面的圖書。 張女士希望,通過張美青館藏發展基金的設立,大力支持東亞館,使它成為文化和教育資源中心,以服務所有對中華語言、文化、教育感興趣的各界人士。

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