Nubo Huang of Zhongkun Group Cultural Endowed Fund 中坤集團黃怒波文化交流基金
This generous donation will allow scholars and students in the U.S. to explore Chinese culture though UCLA Library materials.
Experiencing hardship, hunger, and poverty as a young boy in China, Nubo Huang realized early on that knowledge could change his life. With study, he achieved admission to the Chinese Department of Peking University, and from there he gained access to the world of business. Today, as a businessman, he oversees the Beijing Zhongkun Group with its focus on tourism and real estate. Although a successful entrepreneur, a popular poet under the pen name Luo Ying, and an amateur mountaineer, Mr. Huang has not forgotten his roots.
He and his wife, Yun Hu, continue to help the underprivileged in China, especially young students who have limited access to education. As a role model, he encourages them to study and to pursue their dreams; as a philanthropist, he has provided funds for education, culture, and religion in his home country. Active too in promoting cultural exchanges between China and the United States, Mr. Huang established the Nubo Huang of Zhongkun Group Cultural Endowed Fund to introduce and promote Chinese culture to American students and scholars.
Translated into Chinese by Yinglei Yang 楊英蕾