Made possible by a gift from The Roth Family Foundation

The Roth Family Foundation Endowed Fund for L.A. Photography was established in 2006 to provide an ongoing source of funds for the acquisition of photographs of the L.A. region as well as those created by L.A.-based artists. The Roth Family Foundation was founded in L.A. in 1966 by Harry, Louis and Fannie Roth. Established upon their deaths and the sale of the family business, Louis Roth Clothes, the foundation continues to include all family members, with two generations presently involved. Philanthropy has always been a strong family value: to help others less fortunate, to protect freedom and human and civil rights, and to give back to the community and support causes about which the family cares deeply. Compassion, justice, fairness, access and respect for others are among the family values, which inspire and motivate the foundation’s giving. The foundation’s mission is a commitment to progressive social change; it invests in organizations that inspire hope, dignity and creativity, primarily in the L.A. area. Grounded in a legacy of social justice and civil rights, the foundation helps connect communities to the services, opportunities and tools for self-empowerment and self-expression. Reaffirming these values, it established this collection endowment at the UCLA Library.

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Bookplate with an image of a video camera and text reading the name of the endowment

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