More Information
Mohsin Ali, instructional design and outreach specialist

Overall, my goal is to collaboratively develop engaging instructional materials that support the learning needs of the Library's user community. This will require learning more about the Library’s user community, including their information needs, preferences and challenges. In addition to learning about the user community, I also need to become acquainted with ongoing projects and the instructional content already available. Thus, I expect much of my first year to be devoted to better understanding the Library’s resources and users. I also hope to publicize and help celebrate the contributions of librarians and staff in the humanities and social sciences division.
View Mohsin's new staff Q&A.
Caitlin Wells, collection analysis and services specialist

I’m excited to learn more about e-resources and contribute to the gathering and analysis of collection data. My hope is that I can help my colleagues make data-driven decisions about e-resources acquisitions and provide useful context for our collections.
View Caitlin's new staff Q&A.
Robert Johnson, clinical research and support librarian

A primary goal is to bridge the gaps between students, faculty and clinicians in all health sciences disciplines by providing continuity from student curriculum through continuing education for working professionals. Another goal is work with colleagues to determine the most sustainable and valuable model for UCLA’s Systematic Review Service.
View Robert's new staff Q&A.